Comedy star Alla Naresh and Sneha Ullal starrer comedy entertainer film "Madatha Kaja" has been completed the censor formalities and the movie was awarded with U/A certificate from the censor board. The movie is all set to hit the silver screens on September 30th. The film is said to be a full length comedy entertainer film. First time Sneha Ullal is pairing up with Allari Naresh in this flick.
The film makers in the Tollywood are stepping back to release their films because of Dookudu Tsunami. But the hero Allari Naresh is quiet confident on the movie success. So with Allari Naresh’s confidence the film producers are getting ready to release the film on 30th September.
The movie is directed by Dantuluri Seetha Ramaraju and produced by Vedaraju Timber on Sri Ranjith movies banner while KL Damodara Prasad presents it. The film music is scored by Srivasanth.
So soon we will know the sweetness of Kaja
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